Opinion | Not wise to return kids to school in the middle of this crisis


The department of education plan to resume with schooling is similar to a commander who sends his soldiers to war unarmed. The country is faced with a sporadic increase in numbers of Covid 19 and uncertainty but the department of education proposes the reopening of schools. It shows the department’s lack of foresight and it’s clearly not surprising because South African public school system is in a break of collapse.
Even in rural villages where parents do not afford private education, there are cheap private schools because nobody trust public education.

South African schools have 13 million pupils with almost half a million teachers. Classes are overcrowded with hardly skilful educators who understand the subject matter. The dilapidated schools with some children learning under the tree and some losing their lives in pit toilets. The virus has surely not given the political leaders time to reflect on service delivery and how they treat our people.

Twitter: Dr Reginah Mhaule

Risking with the lives of the children when the health infrastructure fails to deal with cases of Malaria, a curable disease. What will happen when you have a high number of infected children?
In a country with inadequate hospitals where communities die whilst waiting for an ambulance. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to know that the decision of the Department of Basic education is complete balderdash.

Opinion By: Ntsako Shivambu


Phased reopening of schools proposed for May for matrics and Grade 7s

Schools are to reopen in phases from the planned date of 6 May, although this is subject to change, MPs have heard.

Feedback from social cluster ministers was that 18 May could be more feasible. On the first day, only Grade 7 and Grade 12 pupils are expected to go back to school. Grade 11 and Grade 6 pupils are scheduled to follow two weeks later and pupils in other grades will follow every two weeks until Grade R pupils’ anticipated return on 15 July.
