Sophia Hlonipha Sikhosana challenges mindsets to transform

Sophia Hlonipha Sikhosana is Mrs. Universe Africa 2022 finalist

“Transformation is a personal journey and it’s okay to ask yourself who you are and where are you going” says Sophia Hlonipha Skhosana.

Sophia explains the concept of knowing where people belong in your life and says: “we all need to group people in our lives whether in business, personal or at work and also not forget that there are people that come into our lives for a season”.

The inspirational words are spoken by Sophia the life coach, author, inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, African peace award winner, NGO founder and Mrs. Universe Africa semi-finalist 2022.

One of the reasons Sophia has dedicated herself to change mindsets is because of her tough childhood. “My childhood was not the best and I also believe it contributed to my depression and anxiety”, she adds.

Sophia grew up having a low self-esteem and struggled with self-doubt because of her past. “As a child I was sexually abused”, she shares.

Sikhosana’s mother was a single parent who was unemployed and found creative ways to put food on the table. On weekends Sophia and her siblings would sell fat cakes and scones to help her mother and she enjoyed it.

However when she hit adolescence, she began to worry about what her peers would think of her. Her worst nightmare came true when she was called names, which further contributed to her self-doubt.

“My children are my greatest inspiration and it takes someone brave to be a mother and someone strong to raise an outstanding citizen in the community” she says.  

Sophia saw the importance of mentoring a boy child and impacting them positively. The initiative was triggered by her trying to find the underlying issue on why some men are a huge contributor to Gender Based Violence (GBV). Even though she never got to the bottom of it, it triggered her to start an NGO for boys.

The 100 advices movement exists with the sole purpose to support inspire and uplift the morale of young men in communities. Sophia says: “it is our hope to reach out to all mothers and sons because we acknowledge that boys need a father figure”.

With the high rate of GBV South Africa is desperate for organizations such as 100 advices movement to challenge society to collectively and creatively build a generation of young responsible and accountable men. “I always knew that I wanted to make a difference in other people’s lives and have always enjoyed serving others”, Sikhosana recalls.

“I have evolved and transformed through my hardship to a point where I am fearless, couragious, inspired, selfless and ambitious”. Through her life transformation she has further challenged herself by entering Mrs. Universe Africa and is now a finalist for 2022. “The pageant is challenging what I’m made of and at the end of this journey you might see me dress and walk differently.

Society can judge a person who transforms to a better version of themselves but Sophia brings clarity by pointing out that it’s okay to challenge yourself to a point you start elevating to be better.

“When you start to change, you also start moving differently”, she says. Sophia wears a lot of hats, inspired by her hardship that has elevated her.  You can never have an encounter with Sophia and walk away without being challenged, transformed or evolved.

It’s amazing to even see her stride through life with her head held high because her hardship could have easily broken her but instead she was able to nurture her life.

Sophia Hlonipha Sikhosana concludes by saying: “life will never be fair; it is up to you to make a difference in your own life. Always choose peace, calm and positivity”.

By Sandra Lesenyeho
