Academic Achiever Mokhomolo Kgadi Mahlatji Appeals for Specialized Academic Tour to Dubai Sponsorship

Mokhomolo Kgadi Mahlatji

Mokhomolo Kgadi Mahlatji is an academic enthusiast Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz pupil who always strives for excellence even when all odds are against her.

She’s a very conservative person – has an intimidating demeanour at first glance, but in essence she is a softie of note. Her ability to empathize and look at any situation in another person’s perspective is quite admirable.

Kgadi has always been a very outspoken girl. She would conduct interviews, talk shows and reality shows with imaginary people in front of the mirror. She’s the type of person who can stay alone in the room and not feel lonely. She has a passion for reading.

During the October 2025 school holiday, an exclusive group of Top achievers from around South Africa will be embarking on a specialized academic tour to Dubai. Travel and Sports has invited Mokhomolo Kgadi Malatji on this exclusive tour based on her outstanding academic achievement.

The tour will see the group traveling to Dubai over a period of 10 days, visiting world-leading universities.

In an exclusive interview with SA POSITIVE NEWS Kgadi’s mother Mamohube Mahlatji shared that she wasn’t always an over-achiever.

“She was not always an over-achiever but worked her way to the top by believing in herself and stayed consistent in her academics. Her achievements and goals have always defined her self-worth as it has been her biggest goal as a young girl to get to where she is today.”

The tour is orientated to expose academic achievers like Mokhomolo Kgadi Malatji to top class tertiary institutions where they will have the privilege of attending private lectures. Universities included for this tour are British University of Dubai, Heriot-Watt University and Middlesex University. Lectures are to cover an array of globally significant topics, mixed in with visits to world renowned sites and museums.

Travel and Sport is a recognised tour operator, sending students to exciting destinations all over the world since 1995. Over the years that the programme has been running, it serves as a strong incentive for students to either maintain their academic prestige or to strive to improve their marks. Parents and students are quick to recognise the invaluable experience these tours offer, both on an educational level as well as the sheer life experience that may not come around again.

When SA POSITIVE NEWS asked Mamohube Mahlatji to sum up the moment she found out that her daughter was invited to the exclusive tour, she said:

“It was an out of this world moment. I was shocked and overjoyed at the same time! I was speechless for a couple of minutes while hugging her tightly and crying tears of joy. But then we were sad again when we realised how much the whole tour costs as we can’t afford the requested amount.”

The total cost of the tour is R58 990.00 including taxes. As such, we are appealing to and encouraging organizations, corporate/private sponsorship funders, any good samaritans out there to assist Mokhomolo Kgadi Mahlatji in striving for further academic excellence through international exposure.

Why is it important to sponsor Mokhomolo  Kgadi Mahlatji, you ask? Well, Mamohube Mahlatji has the perfect answer for you.

“Because it will serve as a recognition of her well- deserved academic excellence and motivate her to continue striving for excellence. It will also be an investment for our society’s future, enrich her understanding of the world, enhance her education, build her confidence, personal growth, meet fellow achievers and be a responsible global citizen.”

If you wish to make a payment for this sponsorship, kindly see below banking details as well as the correct reference to use:

Banking Details:

Name: Freeworld Travel

Bank: ABSA

Branch Code: 632005

Account No: 4070845967

Reference: 24TA3/HGM/MK Mahlatji

Should you require any further information be in touch with Academic Achievers Marketing Co-ordinators, Sharne Teague and Tamryn McDonald:


Tel: 012 348 9000

Fax: 086 538 7927/ 086 668 8180


By Sinenzolo Mondi