Jennifer Isaks Lee Knows No Limits

Jennifer Isaks Lee

Twenty-four-year-old Jennifer Isaks Lee is a young woman from the Vaal, Gauteng, who is a true definition of “If you put your mind and heart at it, you can do it”.

Born and raised in Vereeniging, Rus-term-vaal as the only child, Lee has always wanted to build a bright future for herself. She is a mother to a beautiful son, God-fearing woman and doesn’t let anything stand in her way as she keeps striving for more.

She is a graduate from Wits University. Even though everyone was telling her she wouldn’t make it in the medical field, Lee refused to let people tell her what her fate will be. Her teacher had told her to drop maths because she wasn’t performing well in it, but she took that as a motivation to study harder. She has since reaped the benefits of her resilience as she is now a clinical associate and a Mrs Sedibeng finalist.

The medical field has taught Jennifer patience and how to work well with people, not only as her patients but as individuals. One might ask how a clinical associate mixes with pageants; well Miss Lee has proven that everything needs commitment, and one should not limit themselves.

Taking part in pageants has always been one of Lee’s childhood dreams. As a young girl she would watch pageants, imitate the contestants, and would see herself on stage one day. Dreams can become a reality if you believe in them, Janet is testament to that.

“Being in pageants is something I love and have always wanted to do and to finally pursue it feels amazing”, she says.

The pageantry journey has enabled Lee to be a voice for the voiceless and make a difference. Helping people in need is one of her greatest strengths, and it also has helped her in the process. From being a clinical associate to enrolling in marketing to participate in pageants, Janet has proven that there are no limits in life, only the ones you set.

You can follow her on Instagram @Jennynamme305 and vote for her at #sedibengpageant votes cost only R1 per vote.

By Ntokozo Radebe