Dr. Mashudu demonstrates the power of academia to SA

Dr Mashudu Mbedzi

Dr. Mashudu Mbedzi had an ordinary up bringing just like any other black South African child but it’s remarkable to see the giant he has become in academia setting high standards for all South Africans. Dr. Mbedzi is not a Doctor by chance but pushed himself to a point of brilliance in academia. Dr. Mbedzi has more than one qualification, which makes him influential along with his extensive research and writing. In 2021, he published his first book on relationships titled “Married but intimately divorced” and plans to publish another this year.

Dr. Mbedzi’s journey began as a normal child faced with poverty and life challenges. “Under difficult circumstances I had to learn to grow up fast and learn to fend for myself” he says. The Dr. emphasizes that it’s important to know principles of existence.  The blessing that set the tone for the rest of his life was the opportunity of parting with older men who taught him the good ways thereby enabling him to become disciplined and well mannered. “In my generation, we grew up in a strict society and it is said it takes a village to grow a child. Consequently, I learnt different principles from people around me which proved to be true” he says.

Dr. Mbedzi wants his writing and books to sway people’s lives and to promote positive thinking. “I have already started changing people’s lives however, in essence, people should also be encouraged to have dialogue in their relationships or marriages and to self-reflect. He advises people to take decisive actions and not to run away from relationships but to rather use their brain and not emotions. “There is a chapter in my book, “Married but intimately divorced” that’s speaks to what you need to know before you commit to marriage”, he explains. In short, he wants his writing to create a direct impact and teach people the significance of knowing as well as understanding themselves.

He started researching his first book Married but intimately divorced between 2006 and 2007 and the book was published in in 2021. “I hold a lot of qualifications but to mention a few, I have a Masters of Business Leadership (MBL) from UNISA and a Doctor of Business Leadership (DBL) focusing in coal mining and environmental management accounting” says Dr. Mbedzi. He further elaborates that out of all his qualifications he loves mining especially coal mining and its complexity and the environmental aspect of it. Mining brings economic benefits and adds value to the GDP even though it’s at the expense of the environment. The Dr. points out that these issues should be recorded in academia in order to create awareness and to benefit societies.

Dr Mashudu has also had the opportunity to influence academia on a global scale. “I have written extensively and even wrote what is called a peer review where my work was reviewed globally in order to measure if my writing is on a PhD level” he says. In 2018, he released and published in Switzerland and in 2021, he contributed to a chapter of an eBook in India which is being used globally in different Universities. In addition, he was requested to serve as an Editorial Board Member by one of the Academic Journals in New York, USA. The recognition was based on the quality of work and contribution to the body of knowledge.

“It’s spiritual wisdom that goes into my writing and God has never failed to impart knowledge and understanding. I think God tasked me to share my knowledge and to change people’s lives”, Dr. Mbedzi acknowledges. His most recent book (Married but intimately divorced) has changed people’s lives and remains to do so. The book is already abroad in London and USA and widely sold in SA. The Dr. can’t wait to see his book in libraries and shared on other platforms such as Exclusive Books. The book is non-fiction and is for single as well as married people.

This year (2022), he plans to publish his 2nd book and says “the book is going to be fire”. Secondly, he will be working on another book focusing on academia for primary and high school learners. On top of the two upcoming books he is pursuing his 2nd PhD. “I always strive to think big and to challenge myself” he adds

Dr.  Mbedzi concludes by saying “before you make your next big move, please make sure you read my book “Married but intimately divorced”.  Remember to be proud of who you are, love yourself and be unstoppable”. Dr. Mbedzi also provides marriage counselling and is a Motivational Speaker.

By Sandra Lesenyeho