Bulelwa Florence Fobosi is a demonstration of how flexibility in a time of change is important especially in leadership and entrepreneurship. Bulelwa has an NPO called I am an Eagle which initially started as a social club and eventually registered as an NPO in 2019. She didn’t allow unemployment to break her spirit but instead she gave back to communities even when she had not much to give. Bulelwa is a social media activist, a published writer and an entrepreneur.
In the South Africa we live in, it is so easy to blame the government, environment and our families when unemployment comes knocking at the door. Unemployment is increasing alarmingly but Fobosi was never discouraged she says “instead of standing in the corner and wishing for that phone call for an interview I suggested we come together as a community and brainstorm ways of creating employmen and to improve our communities”.
In 2016 when the social club was established members would arrange to meet twice a week and Bulelwa adds: “a few weeks into our meetings I already knew that I wanted the social club to be an NPO”. She achieved her goal in 2019. This year Florence started an initiative under the foundation called Take a Child to School. The initiative aims to provide school wear to the needy and help to improve their education.
“I am in the process of building my SMMA in order to create jobs” says Florence. She also mentions without giving much detail that she recently secured an international client which her company does copy writing work. In addition, the client was impressed with her social media work and presence and decided to give her business. However Florence needs more clients in order to create more jobs for South Africans. “My aim is to at least employ 10 staff members for starters and I hope to change many more live” says Fobosi. “I believe I am called to change the world to be a better place for everyone, to refuel lost hope and to heal through my work”.
“My first book is titled Desperate for Change and my second book is Recruited Surrendering all to God” says Florence. She explains that her first book is a debut of how she has dealt with change whether it being negative or positive and the books also speaks about how to change challenges into opportunities. Her second book was published this year and she says: “this book includes my life story of being a mum, being unemployed during a pandemic and how I rise above all challenges through God”. In addition Fobosi says “God is not only my creator but my life, He is my all”.
Fobosi has always known God from an early age. “I grew up in a loving big family, full of warmth, peace, joy, humility and prayerful” she says. In addition Florence mentions that even when she is not around her family they still have a positive influence on her through teachings of the elderly and always carries them in her heart. She describes herself by saying: “I’m a mother to a handsome boy, a daughter to my loving parents, a sister and an aunt”.
Fobosi is an illustration that the world is in constant change and with that change comes a responsibility to adjust and implement different methodology fitted to the current situation. “My future goals and plans are to obtain funding for the NPO and SMMA , educating the needy and offering jobs to as many people as possible in South Africa. She also admits that her resilient personality has been built on all her past experiences. “My life’s journey has been filled with interesting events and I have learned through them and have become a better person” she says.
Bulelwa Florence Fobosi concludes by saying: “you are not your past, you are not your mistakes, never allow your past to define your presence and never allow your present to determine your tomorrow. Don’t depend on people’s validation, let God validate you…after all, when you know who you belong to nothing can get you down”.
By Sandra Lesenyeho