A Mother’s Day celebration for motherless daughters


Mother’s Day is a special day for a lot of people, but sadly, for those who have since lost their mothers, it’s a day of triggers.

The motherless often have to remember the loss and the memories they will

never share with their mothers while others build more with theirs. It can be depressing!

It was for this reason that Life Coach and Minister Asanda Sibobi hosted a special kind of Mother’s Day celebration for the motherless in Glen Austin, Midrand.

Asanda gets it, she also lost her mom over two years ago and wanted to create a safe and fun space for other motherless daughters.

Attendants brought images of their mothers

This Mother’s Day marked the first annual Mother’s Day celebration for motherless daughters with 12 amazing women who were grieving for different reasons. Some still had their mothers but had no real mother-daughter relationship, a real loss and understandable pain during this time.

The day started with check-ins to see where everyone was in terms of their emotions and feelings about the day and the loss in general. This allowed for the masks to fall off with everyone connecting on a deeper level and carrying each other’s pain before the wonderful festivities which included prayer, self-soothing activities, competitions and great


Everyone who was in attendance had a good time but most importantly felt their pain was taken away. Like everyone else, though differently, these motherless daughters also had a beautiful day.

“Asanda is an incredible grief counsellor. She has helped me through so much- sometimes without her noticing, I think. I’ve learnt a lot also from her pertaining to grief, not only on how to heal but also how to be of support to those who are mourning. She is truly called for this ministry”, said Ncobile Ndabandaba.

SA Positive News