Invitation to submit proposals for the NFVF/Netflix Film Project


The NFVF and Netflix release the call for Micro-budget fiction and nonfiction films. The closing date for submissions is 07 May 2021.

The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF), an agency of the Department of Sport Arts and Culture and Netflix in association with Indigenous Film Distribution, have announced that the call for micro-budget film proposals is officially open.

The collaboration looks to create new opportunities for emerging filmmakers in the local film industry after many productions have had to cancel or postpone due to COVID-19 and the nationwide lockdown.

The aim of the fund is to help alleviate the pressure filmmakers face to raise funding and will assist in the alleviation of low job creation currently faced by the sector.
The partnership will fund 6 micro-budget feature films at 100% of the production budgets. Specific attention will be paid to creatives who have at least 2 short films and venturing into their first and second time as feature writers, directors and producers.

Preference will be given to compelling, character-driven narratives in genres that are original and demonstrate a filmmaker’s unique vision. Films should also be culturally-authentic with a global appeal.
All projects should be at final stages of development.

Applications must include the following Creative information:

  • Brief project summary (maximum 5 pages) that includes Synopsis, Logline, Genre, Target market
  • Fiction: Full Script (at final draft).
  • CVs of the key creative: Producer, Director, Writer, DOP, Editor, and Leading Cast.
  • Letter of intent from director 
  • Producer’s notes.
  • Director’s Treatment (maximum 20 pages).
  • Detailed budget (Amounts to be spent at pre-production, production, and post-production) and Cash Flow.
  • Production schedule
  • A document explaining the stage at which the project has reached as of the date of this application and identify its needs in terms of production (max 600 words).

Applications must include the following Administrative information:

  • Tax Clearance
  • Certified ID copy (6 months)
  • Company registration / or SPV is applicable.
  •  BBBEE Certificate
  • A list of the films/ audio-visual projects produced by company/ies.
  • Links of the director’s previous work
  • Chain of title documentation/ Contracts proving the acquisition of necessary rights (e.g. option contract, script writer’s contract, music etc.).

Interested parties are invited to apply online: click here or

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